Geological Appraisal and Regulatory Consultation - Before drilling any borehole, we try to obtain an indication of the likely geology that will be encountered and  also where the target aquifer is situated. Even if the borehole is unlikely to need an abstraction licence, we would still advise on taking professional advice from a qualified geologist or engineer as there is always a risk with drilling. We also take advice from the relevant regulatory body if an abstraction licence is required on the likelihood of a licence being  issued.

 Abstraction Licence Trading - This is a reletively new field and we have completed several licence trades on behalf of clients in the last 18 months and our happy to advise on the process required. We would point out that licence trading is not as straight forward as percieved.

Abstraction Licence / Accreditation Report - The final part of the project is the application for an abstraction licence or submission of an accreditation report. We supply all the data plus a report to the relevant regulatory authority. As part of our specialist services, we will take an application to appeal if required.

Drilling & Pump Testing - We supervise the drilling of the borehole and any obtain any additional permissions. All our work is completed under ICE (Institute of Civil Engineers) Terms and Conditions of Contract. This also applies to the pump test and the final pumping installation.

Well Design - The design of the well is crucial and we take time to plan and specify the detail so we can optimise the performance without incurring excess cost.